Parent / Guardian Teacher Interviews
Parent/Guardian Teacher interviews are scheduled at the end of terms one and three. These interviews are held between 3.30pm and 6.00pm.
Primary parents are sent letters on which they can nominate a suitable time.
Secondary parents are sent letters advising them on which teachers would like to catch up with them, though we are keen to talk to every parent about all aspects of student progress.
Written Reports
Full written reports occur at the end of terms two and four. Interim reports are written for secondary students in term one and three.
Parents are encouraged contact the school at any time to make an appointment to see teachers and the Principal, though many informal catch ups occur at the end of the school day or elsewhere in our small community.
Naplan Tests
Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in Naplan testing each year. Families of students involved in this receive a standardized report which gives additional information regarding student achievement.