Student Wellbeing and Engagement
Cann River P-12 College is a highly personalised environment focused on student success and wellbeing. The school works to develop opportunities for all students to develop as individuals and learn to work effectively in productive groups.
From staff briefing each day, to frequent whole school assemblies, student achievement is acknowledged and celebrated.
Breakfast Program
The breakfast program ensures a sunny beginning to the day and the recess fruit program helps keep the day bright.

Pastoral Care & Counselling
All staff, including our teacher aides and administrative staff, play important roles in pastoral care.
Professional counselling support is available and Youthways and other resources are used for older students who’s attitude is affected by their need for a sense of a future pathway. Mentoring by experienced members of the community has also been very helpful.
Jinga, our fortnightly newsletter, celebrates student work and successes, and this year we are publishing profiles of our alumni outlining their many and varied life achievements; these serve as excellent examples of life paths.

Student Leadership
The SRC has representatives from each class group from Prep to year twelve and its brief is to ‘improve the world and improve the school environment’. The group runs such events as Red Nose days, Mother’s Day Morning tea, Crazy Hair Day, Footy Colours and other fundraising activities. The SRC students are having greater roles in running assemblies and giving awards.
House captains at senior and junior level play an important part in organising and being role models in our various sporting events.
Teaching roles for students in after school activities program sees our students developing leadership skills, as do many roles around the school.
Leadership success is rewarded with a wide range of annual awards presented at the Concert and Presentation Night: these include the locally sponsored awards, the ‘Hallmark Oaks Encouragement Award’, the ‘Sylvia Sumberg Endeavour Award’, a range of citizenship, and subject awards.
Youth Group
The School supports a wonderful youth group program where students work together in informal settings on fundraising, competitions, excursions and quiz nights.